Meet David And Find Out How His Confidence Was Restored From His New Dentures!

Hesitation, then relief

David was initially wary of what his new dentures might do. He had heard stories and knew of other people who had poor experiences with their dentures. They were unable to eat the foods they liked, or their speech was affected in very obvious ways. While he wanted to improve his quality of life and his self-esteem, he did not want this improvement to come at the expense of other aspects of his life. However, he realized he had to make a change and took the plunge.

David noticed an immediate difference while being fitted for dentures. He says that even the temporaries he had to wear were an incredible difference from before. Despite being slightly uncomfortable, they were already doing more for David than his old dentures were. He had minor difficulties eating some foods, but his dentist reassured him that things would be much easier once he had his permanent dentures.

When he was fitted for the final dentures, David was ecstatic. He could eat and speak without issue, his dentures were comfortable, and he knew they were going to be life-altering.

Confidence restored

Today, David loves his new look. He’s not the only one, either. His family is amazed by his new appearance and can’t believe the difference in his smile. They can’t believe how natural his teeth look and are so happy for him. David is also pleased with the results his new dentures have brought him. He considers his choice to get new dentures the best decision he has ever made, and he is thrilled that he no longer has to worry about hiding his smile. Eating, speaking, and smiling are no longer frustrating activities he dreads. His self-esteem has risen, and he wakes up every day knowing that his new dentures have given him the boost he needed to smile again. How would David describe his dentures? As he says, “I’m their biggest fan!”

Watch Davids video!


More Than A Denture

Ivoclar Vivadent announces the launch of its More Than a Denture consumer and professional websites. Designed to make today’s innovative solutions for removable dentistry easy for patients and professionals to take advantage of, the websites emphasize a simple and predictable approach for creating smiles that are comfortable, durable, and natural-looking. At the heart of the More Than a Denture system are Ivoclar Vivadent Removable (IVR) solutions.

Anna final more than a denture

Anna’s new Ivoclar Vivadent Removable dentures gave her back her smile!

The More Than a Denture websites are extensions of the company’s highly successful patient education campaigns and online professional resources. The consumer-oriented website features a variety of real-life stories that denture patients can relate to, in addition to a wealth of easy to understand information that guides them through the denture selection and fabrication process.

Check out the link  above to see Anna’s story, as well as others just like her!

To help dental professionals achieve better results, Ivoclar Vivadent has created a professional site ( that not only informs them about better materials and processes, but also connects the dentist and laboratory through an Authorized Ivoclar Vivadent Removable Laboratory list.